Friday, November 10, 2006

Tips On Successful Blogging

10 Tips for Becoming a Great Corporate Blogger

Successful blogging is not just about being the best writer on the web or even the most prolific. Being a successful blogger is about creating a connection with an audience by providing relevant content, nurturing that relationship with comments and links and keeping the dialogue flowing. Here are ten tips to get you started.

1. Understand the fundamentals of Blogger Relations
2. Create value
3. Grow and sustain your audience by providing real analysis
4. Report on community opinion
5. Respond with comments to build relationships and traffic
6. Track your conversations
7. Don’t be afraid of criticism
8. Conduct interviews to generate content and ideas
9. Promote your blog
10. Monitor the web for brand names and references

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

La Integración de las TICs en Ciencias Naturales - Eduteka

Eduteka, Comentario Editorial No. 19, Septiembre 25 de 2004.

Existe un nuevo paradigma en la enseñanza de las Ciencias, que se enfoca especialmente en el desarrollo de la competencia científica en los estudiantes para atender las necesidades de un mundo jalonado por avances en esta área. Las TIC facilitan y potencian este desarrollo.